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Why therapy and how will it help me?

For a person who has never been to therapy, the idea of talking to a stranger about your personal life can seem a bit daunting. Many people have no idea what to expect. Some people are in the midst of a crisis, know exactly what they want to see a professional for, or what they want to address. Others may feel like they would like to talk to someone, but not have much clarity beyond that. And some fall somewhere in between. Therapy can serve many purposes in a person’s life and there are a variety of reasons someone might seek out a therapist. Below are a some of the many different reasons people come to visit me in my office.


  • Someone is in the midst of a personal or family crisis

  • Isn’t happy with life and they want to understand that better

  • Wants to change patterns of living or coping that aren’t serving them anymore

  • Worries frequently and can’t seem to turn it off

  • Is exploring their personal identity in depth

  • Isn’t used to expressing their feelings and would like to get better at that

  • Is feeling sad or down much of the time and can’t shake it

  • Is about to get married and wants to make sure they are going into it with clarity, strength and solidarity in their relationship

  • Is experiencing grief over a loss

  • Feels overwhelmed with the stresses of life


These are just some of the reasons people visit a therapist, but of course not all of them. Therapy is a very personal experience and not one size fits all. If you feel you would like to talk with someone about something you are experiencing, reach out, ask any questions you may have, and schedule an appointment today!

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